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    Matches 251 to 300 of 326

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     #   Notes   Linked to 
    251 The witnesses were George Lord; M.S. Schroeder; E.S. Emma Schroeder; Charles Barber junr Family (F238)
    252 The witnesses were John Angell and ??? Taylor Family (F170)
    253 The witnesses were Joseph Parsley of Lambeth Street, Whitechapel and Samuel Hawgood. Oliver, John (I272)
    254 The witnesses were Samuel Hawgood and Joseph Parsley Folder, William (I404)
    255 There are nine African seamen also resident that night.
    Stepfather Levi Edward Johnson, 57, is also there 
    Family (F460)
    256 They had 3 children and all 3 were still living, but none with them on census night.
    "Pentamar" had 9 rooms. 
    Family (F161)
    257 They have a visitor - Lucy Carreras ( S, 20) a dressmaker from Birkenhead Family (F42)
    258 They have a visitor from England - a student teacher Susan Rota age 20. Susan was the daughter Ernest Rota and in 1913 she married Tom Blatchford. Family (F342)
    259 They recieved a telegram from the King:

    " The Kings sends you hearty congratulations and good wishes on your Diamond Wedding Day" 
    Family (F161)
    260 They were living with Elizabeth's parents. Family (F76)
    261 They were lodging at The Bulls Head Family (F361)
    262 This is the Head Office address of Rothschilds. Metcalf, John (I347)
    263 This is the same address as Sarah's future husband William Oliver and his first wife Elizabeth. They were neighbours. Family (F297)
    264 This is the same address as William's future wife Sarah and her first husband Thomas Shephard, and their family. They were neighbours. Family (F295)
    265 This proprety was occupied by the Rothschilds Family (F161)
    266 This was a volunteer militia battalion. His seniority date was 20 October 1860. Hollis, William Griffiths (I146)
    267 This was the address his parents were at in 1891. Metcalf, Adrian (I416)
    268 Thomas Gleaves was not present on census night but sister Ethel Hill was there.l  Family (F289)
    Initials: G H
    Nationality: United Kingdom
    Rank: Private
    Regiment/Service: Manchester Regiment
    Unit Text: 17th Bn.
    Age: 24
    Date of Death: 23/04/1917
    Service No: 47442
    Additional information: Son of Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, of 31, Weymouth St., Chorlton-on-Medlock, Manchester.
    Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead
    Grave/Memorial Reference: Bay 7.
    Memorial: ARRAS MEMORIAL 
    Thompson, George Henry (I18)
    270 Together with children McCrickard, Arabella (I75)
    271 Victory Medal and British War Medal

    Jones, Idwal Lloyd Grey (I126)
    272 Visiting the Hollis family Sharman, Ann Andrew (I147)
    273 Visting her father Alfred Barber. She had income from dividends. Barber, Amy Eliza (I622)
    274 Was he from Leicester? His death in 1826 was announced in the Leicester Chronicle and the Leicestershire Mercury.  Bradbury, Samuel (I1200)
    275 Was he qualified?

    According to his obituaries, Silas Boam studied medicine after arriving in the United States .

    Yet on his 1901 application for a Kansas State practice certificate, he declared that he had studied at the college of Physicians and Surgeons, Birmingham England from 1868 to 1872, and at Buffalo University of Medicine from 1881 to 1883.

    However we know from Ontario marriage, birth and census records that he was resident in Hamilton in from 1868 to 1871, where he worked as a machinist and later as a provision dealer.

    He was in Buffalo in 1879-1883 but working as a machinist.

    There is no record of him at the University at Buffalo School of Medicine.

    The earliest record of him practicing medicine is the 1885 census for Topeka Kansas. 
    Boam, Silas (I990)
    276 William is described as an invalid. Family (F311)
    277 William is missing
    Elizabeth had had 8 chidren, 5 still living
    House has 5 rooms. 
    Family (F30)
    278 William was the employer of 25 workers Family (F353)
    279 Witenesses were Griffith Jones and John Parry Family (F34)
    280 with brother John, living with niece Ann Worrall's family Metcalf, David (I914)
    281 With Charles Potter & family Cooper, John (I875)
    282 With father William Hollis.  Hollis, Sarah Ann (I151)
    283 with her brother Alfred and his family Barber, Maria Humble (I628)
    284 With her is addopted daughter Helen Ramby Kilby, Ann (I1344)
    285 with her is mother Martha Summers 77 born Cambridgeshire, fund holder Summers, Sarah Bailey (I1345)
    286 With him are brother Henry (the chemist) aged 24 and Henry's new wife Sarah 20, also apprentice chemist James Edwards and a servant of 25, also named Sarah Walker Walker, William (I1343)
    287 With him are his cousins Elizabeth Everett and her daughter Elizabeth, both from Scaldwell Drage, Bynion Garrett (I749)
    288 with his daughter Ann Worrall and her family Metcalf, John (I915)
    289 With mother Anne Ellen and brother Idwal. Jones, Myfanwy Grey (I121)
    290 With mother Anne Ellen and sister Myfanwy Jones, Idwal Lloyd Grey (I126)
    291 With son Bynyon Drage, Frances (I748)
    292 with stepdaughter Arabella Johnson Smith Johnson, Levi (I780)
    293 With them is adopted daughter Helen Ranby from Spalding, Lincs, aged 11 Family (F468)
    294 With wife Susanna, daughter Ann and her daughter Susanna.  Potter, Charles (I253)
    295 Witnesses Albert Job Parkes and S J Parkes Family (F391)
    296 Witnesses inluded Ann and Joane Muscropp Family (F471)
    297 WItnesses James Gale and Caroline Mead Family (F40)
    298 Witnesses John James Jones and Sarah Jones Family (F407)
    299 Witnesses Lilian Turner and Wilfrid Jones. Family (F20)
    300 Witnesses Mary Oakley, Joseph Nock. Family (F355)

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